Mulching is essentially a system of sending the grass clippings back through the mower blade again to chop them into very small pieces and then onto the lawn, which can now be absorbed into the soil as organic fertilizer.
- When you are mulching, make sure the mulch baffle door or mulch plug is securely installed in proper position.
- Mulching blades should also be installed on the mower and these blades should be sharp and properly balanced.
- Cut no more than 1½" off the grass blade tips during each mulch cutting session. Trying to mulch clippings of greater length will cause them to clump-up beneath the deck and not be mulched properly. If the grass has grown excessively tall since the last mulching, bagging the clippings may produce a better result.
- Keep the engine throttle in the FAST position throughout the mulching process. This will allow the mower to reach maximum blade tip speed and properly mulch the clippings.
- Maintain a slower than normal ground speed. This will allow the grass clippings more time to be effectively mulched.
- Don't mow or mulch a wet lawn. Grass has a high amount of water content. Mowing when there is extra water on the grass will produce mushy, sticky and clumpy clippings. Mowing wet grass is also much harder on your mower. It can promote metal rusting, strain the motor and other non-desirable results.

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